Company Profile
We are pleased to introduce our firm as one of the oldest and leading manufacturer of Aluminum Door & Windows Frames Partitions, flash butt welded section windows, doors, ventilators, pressed steel door frames, window frames with steel section shutter, bedside lockers, steel cupboards and all kinds of Engineering goods. We are in a position to supply at a short notice, any type and design of windows and doors for residential, commercial or industrial buildings as per your requirements. We are supplying our products as per ISI specification since 30 years to various Govt. deptts. such as M.E.S., irrigation, CPWD, DDA, DGMAP and other departments to the entire satisfaction of the officers concerned. They have appreciated our quality and timely supply.
We have installed sophisticated equipment and plants such as flash butt welding tennon and riveting grinders, staff for technical and non-technical work as well as skilled labour. We will not hesitate in writing that our products are highly appreciated due to full quality control & timely supply. We have good capacity to supply the material in bulk as per the requirement. We assure you of our most competitive prices, prompt supply and superior quality of listed products. We hope for your valuable orders. Assuring you our best services at all times.